
An Intelligent Workforce Scheduling Solution Can Help Solve Key Challenges for Healthcare Organizations

In a Labor intensive scheduling managers spend an average of 2-3 hours every day on core staff scheduling instead of focusing on patient care. Workforce analytic software automatically generates a core staff schedule helping organizations reduce scheduling time by over 40%. Further, this captures and applies all the organization’s scheduling rules using its proprietary rules engine, thus ensuring standardized best practices across the organization.

Identifying the right resource with the right skill set, at the right cost: In Case of last-minute needs, schedulers rely on a short list of employees who are known to accept the shift whenever they are called, increasing OT spend. Workforce scheduling solution can recommend all employees who can be matched to a need, along with the required data (OT hours, pay rate, etc.) for informed decision-making. Managers can communicate needs to all “eligible” employees and ensure that the most cost- optimized resource with the right skill set is scheduled to the open need. This assists users in identifying and communicating with resources that can provide shift coverage in the most fiscally responsible manner possible.

Lack of transparency across locations: Real-time open needs across the organization are not readily available, thus forcing one location to incur overtime while another sends employees home, that might be able to drive to other location. Transparent horizontal and vertical views of all locations or departments in Workforce Analytics Solution enable organizations to share resources between the same skill set and specialties.

Increasing regulatory requirements: Increased licensing requirements and restrictions on per-diem hours worked can pose significant compliance risks for LTACHs. Workforce Analytics Software can notify managers and employees of all regulatory requirements. The system can proactively restrict employees without the required credentials from being scheduled. The system can also restrict scheduling per-diem employees beyond the cut-off hours to avoid paying benefits.

Disparate data from multiple workforce management systems: Disparate systems result in labor-intensive double entry and incongruent data, thus affecting decision-making. Workforce Analytics Solution can be interfaced real-time with multiple workforce and patient care systems, like:

  • Time & Attendance (for OT control).
  • Tele-tracking (to help staff based on upcoming admissions, discharges, and transfers).
  • Census system (to monitor required staffing levels as per census and HPPD).
  • Payroll/HR system (for updating employee profiles).
  • EMR to create real Acuity data and define staff workload Real-time interface helps ensure proactive

By using Workforce advanced analytics solutions, executives, and managers receive real-time & consistent hospital/organization-wide resource demand and supply to help manage the workforce.

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